
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Overall Wellness Does Not Only Concern One

As you can see from our teaser video, this will officially be our last post for this blog, wipes tears*
This time round, we would like to impact you readers by breaking our usual norm of delivering message in a fun & quirky way and instead, we are going to share with you all our life stories. Before that, let's take a look at the importance of overall wellness!

Overall wellness

By choosing to be happy, you're radiating positive vibes, which in turn,
you will leave a "happy" & "positive" impression to others.

Have you ever thought of being happy and having a positive mindset
will bring a sense of happiness to someone else?
If no, it's time to think

Every single one of us is a precious gift to our parents. Our parents are the ones who dote us even before we are born into this world. They take care of us and bring us up. Provide us with shelter and education. Shower us with their unconditional love.

At the end of the day, all they ask from us are to be happy and healthy.

Before we continue, please take a look at the short drama below.
After watching, you will be able to understand the message that we are trying to deliver this time.

Now, start to think...

Are you like the daughter in the video who often hang out with your friends and neglect your family?
Did you throw your temper at your family just because you have a bad day?
Did you hang up their phone call just because you find them naggy?
Did you run out of the house just because you quarrel with your family?

Most importantly, did you show them enough care and concern like how they did to you?
If haven't, please do so before it's too late.

Fyi, the drama above is not based on a real life story.

Now, let us show you our real life story!

Childhood Time!

(can you guess who is who?)

Recalling back as a child, it was probably our happiest times, or maybe one of our happiest times in our life as an adult now. We were easily contented and satisfied with every little toys, food, or places we went. Can't deny that we were too innocent, which explains us being easily satisfied & happy (like in the photos). Us, as a child, who's always happy and smiling definitely made our parents smile too.

But, life is all about growing up & constantly going through changes, ups & downs.

As we grow up, we go through many changes in life (physical & mental changes, friends, family, environment...etc). It's either you adapt to the changes, or let it change you. Now, let's see how the 6 of us handle the changes...


As he grew, he found his passion for music & he took part in various events in his secondary school's band. Also, taking after his brother's interest for archery, he decided to take part in archery during his polytechnic school life. Look at how serious he is! Whether he was playing an instrument or handling a bow, he did it seriously & enjoyed every process of it


People often have the mindset that partying and drinking are not some good activities but as long as you don't get addict to it and know what you are doing, it is fine to do it once in a blue moon. Look, through partying and drinking, she expanded her social network. Look at how she's totally enjoying her night life!


Since before, he always had the interest to travel, especially with his family. Through his travels, he'd learn many culture values & seen many eye opening sights. Look at how much he's enjoying when he's traveling!


As for her, she found her an other half while she was studying. Having a boyfriend definitely did not hinder her studies & her life, but made her happier then ever that she has someone to share all her joys & troubles with. Look at how happy they are together!


 She has always been loving the idea of spending time with her friends. As she grew, she made new friends which were as close as family & spending even more time with them. Look at how happy she is whenever she's hanging out with them!


While everyone is into the k-pop craze, she discovered her idol, Aaron Yan, a member in a Taiwanese boy band. She went to every of his fan meetings, fan signings and even the airport terminal when he's arriving in Singapore. She also bought every of his album, posters & even joined a contest of his. Look at how happy she is whenever he appears (not physically)!

Now, can you see the changes?
How all of us remained happy & positive no matter what has changed us or how our interests gradually changed.

But behind all these changes, there's 1 thing that never changed...



Being in the team of OHYAYY, the 6 of us, we are all very different.
From our ages to sizes to characters to interests, there is no similarity at all!
We found a similarity when we were working on this post which is the family bond that we all cherished. No matter how busy we are, we will always find time to spend with our family. We will take the initiative to share our joy and happiness with them. Most importantly, we keep ourselves healthy, so they don't have to worry for us.

As we are still schooling, we think that these are the only few things that we can do right now. Even though we have no idea what will happen in the future, we know we will never give up on our family no matter how tough the situation because...

This is our life stories, what about yours?

"Start living a happy & positive life by not forgetting about our family, continue to cherish them & not regretting our actions."

By doing so, we believe that it will impact the society with a
chain effect by leading a happy & healthy life.



Since this is our last post, we shall share with you guys a little more about OHYAYY (:

If you have been following us since the first post, you would have realised that the topics of our blog post are all towards beauty and overall wellness. Therefore, the name of this blog was supposed to be “Triple F” which means “Fun, Free, Fresh”. After many discussions, we decided to change it to “OHYAYY”.

A little questions for you all
In what situation will you use the word “OHYAYY’?
Is it when you’re taking a photo with your hand showing the peace/victory sign like the logo of our blog?
What kind of tone will you use when you are saying the word “OHYAYY”?
Is it a happy tone or a cheerful tone?

Yayy, that’s the spirit that we want to present to you all. We want you guys to laugh or at least smile when you’ve finish reading our blog post, which is why we always present it in a fun and interesting way because we want to leave a deep impression for you guys. We believe we did it as we heard our readers mentioning the content of our blog post. For example, do you still remember the gentlemen dance we danced for our teaser? Share with you guys a little secret, that teaser blog post has the highest number of views among the rest of our blog post. Shhh…

Besides presenting the topics in a fun and interesting way, did you realise another common thing you will always see in our blog post? If you haven’t realize, we always end the topic of the blog post with a person smiling happily, showing the peace/victory hand sign. This is to keep that spirit of OHYAYY into every blog post.

During these 3 weeks, we received a lot of compliments which really brightens up our days and motivate us to come out with better ideas. Yes of course, we received negative comments too. Instead of being angry or sad about those negative comments, we treated it as a strength to motivate us to improve and work even harder. To be honest, to be able to come out with pictures and videos, we spent a lot of time and effort. Even though the process was tiring, we enjoyed every bits and pieces of it because all we want is to put a smile on every reader’s face.

To thanks all our readers for spending the time and effort to read our blog post,
we made this last video especially for you all. Hope you all will enjoy!

Lastly, don't forget us


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Internal Beauty - Acts of Gentleman

Can you guess our concept for this post?

From our teaser video in our previous update, I bet you can guess our concept for this post on Internal Beauty! 


nounchivalrous, courteous, or honourable man

eg. he behaved throughout like a perfect gentleman  


 "But WHY is being a Gentleman part of internal beauty?"

There are basic factors for Inner Beauty like Confidence, Kindness, Friendly, Compassionate, Sympathetic... and the list goes on which can be applied to both GIRLS & GUYS. We, GIRLS, believe that GUYS should be Gentlemanly, which is a BIG plus / bonus / up in their personality & can be shown in their actions. 


Since we've already gave some fashion / style tips for the GIRLS in our first post, we felt that it was only fair to give the GUYS some tips on inner beauty too! Inspired by PSY's Gentleman music video, below are some GOOD and BAD Acts of Gentleman by Lusheng & Mingjie respectively!


1. The Door Initiative

Of course, in the acts of gentlemanliness, the door is definitely needed. Above, you can see Lusheng's initiative in opening the door for Chelzia and her thoughts are"Wah, he's such a gentleman!" There! You've achieved a part of inner beauty, simply by opening the door for a lady, in fact, anyone!

 But, on the other hand, look at Mingjie! Being a douchbag by not only closing the door on Chelzia, but also doing it on purpose! Guys, take note, if you do this, your inner beauty is definitely not there, since it's not respecting for anyone.

2. The "Magical" Chair

Here is a good example of Gentleman acts, especially in restaurants or dining area (school might not be the ideal place though) Before Chelzia took a seat, Lusheng helped her pull the chair out and let her sit, before he sits down with her. There! Another bonus inner beauty act is achieved!

But there might be some pranksters out there who thinks it's funny / entertaining to pull out someone's chair when they're about to sit. NO. Not only is it ungentlemanly, it might hurt the other person. So, everyone out there, please refrain from doing this!

3. The "I'm cold, so... (lend me your jacket)"

This example may not be shown directly from the other party, but you know... just give them the jacket when they show that they are cold. Qianwei felt cold and approached Lusheng without directly saying that she's cold. Through her actions, Lusheng understood & immediately took off his jacket and put it on for her! Look how happy she is! So, guys, when a girl shows that she's cold, just give her your jacket without being asked too directly /begged / asked many times.

However, some may be a litttttle selfish as they think "Hey! I'm cold here too!". When Qianwei approached Mingjie without directly saying that she's cold, Mingjie not only did not lend her the jacket, he zipped it up even higher! Yes, she can approach other people, but still... How ungentlemanly...

4. The Closed-Too-Tight Bottle


You know those times where bottles are closed too tightly & you can't open it? Yeah, this example shows how guys can be a litttttttttle bit more gentlemanly by helping them out to open the bottle. Queenette, who had difficulties opening the new water bottle she bought and approached Lusheng. He gladly & easily open it for her! Such small acts can definitely ease some people's life. 

 But on other times, some people may misunderstand your difficulty for something else. For example, Queenette had difficulties opening the new water bottle she bought & approached Mingjie BUT he just drank the water when asked to open it instead..... how ungentlemanly. Take note of such people & give them specific instructions the next time, or maybe there's no next time....


5. The Dramatic Trip-Yet-"Picked"-Up

 This may not happen too often in reality, but if it happens then, you'll see whose the real gentleman & who's not. Qianwei was running in a rush while looking at her watch, despite seeing, Mingjie stretched his leg out purposly. Of course, Qianwei didn't see it & fell. Upon seeing, Lusheng came over to pick up her stuffs and helped her up. As you can see, Mingjie was the ungentlemanly prankster while Lusheng was the real gentleman to help her after that.


6. The Lift, Too Late 

 This may happen to anyone a few times, where you're maybe late for class or rushing to somewhere else on another level & the lift closes on you in a matter of seconds but a good Samaritan / Gentleman holds / presses the lift for you! Phew! Your chances of being late has been reduced! Queenette is rushing off to somewhere else and confidently the lift was closing on her as soon as she reached the door. Luckily Lusheng noticed her & opens the lift door for her. Good for her as she met a passenger who is gentlemanly enough!

 If luck is not on your side, then you'll meet this group of people who closes the lift even after they notice you rushing for the lift. As Queenette rushes for the lift, despite Mingjie noticing her, he still closes the lift door! How rude & ungentlemanly...

 And this wraps up some examples of acts of a gentleman.  


From opening the door to opening the lift and helping a friend / anyone with small random acts of kindness. By being a gentleman, you're a package of kindness, friendliness  selfless and many more factors of inner beauty! See? How being a Gentleman can be a complete package of inner beauty? Although being a "gentleman" is a common word for Guys. Girls, you can also incorporate a few of the examples above to show inner beauty too!


OHYAYY! If Lusheng can be a Gentleman, why can't you? :)



And here's the video of our behind the scenes & ngs from our teaser video filming!

& the video of our scenarios' ngs & alternate scene takes!

Hope you've enjoyed our blog post & gathered some insights on inner beauty to apply for yourself! Also, look forward to our next blog post next week which will be delivered in a quirky & interesting way!



Sunday, November 10, 2013

External Beauty - Transformer

When we were young…

Still remember Barbie and Ken? We are sure majority of the girls still remember them as they were the dolls we used to be crazy about. As for the guys, we are sure you all know them too. They were the movie characters from “Toy Story”.

As we grow older...

We are sure majority of you have seen this two characters as well, they were from the popular movie called
“High School Musical”.

In different stages of life, we were being influenced by different characters in different ways. From the game we played to the movie we watched. No matter how different each character expressed, they always have a few things in common which are the beautiful features and perfect body. Therefore, we eventually have the mindset that in order to be attractive, a person must have a beautiful features and perfect body.

So do you think that you are attractive?
Among women, only 4% of them described themselves as attractive.

No matter how good looking you are being complimented by others, you will always think that there are still room for improvement as we tend to compare ourselves to people who are better looking than us. Now, start to recall back, have you ever find yourself saying these...

" I want my cheek bone to be higher "
" I want my eyes to be bigger "
" I want my nose to be sharper "
" I want my skin complexion to be better "
" I want to have a good body figure "


Does all these really matter?

All these are the perceptions of external beauty that we learn to yearn and strive to be. External beauty does not come in only one size and shape, any shape and appearance can be attractive too.

Now, let's take a look at a story of a plus sized girl.

Long long time ago, there’s a girl called “ Janel ” who studied in Temasek Polytechnic, Business School. Studying in a school filled with many skinny girls made her feel inferior about her size as she thinks that being skinny equals to being pretty. With this low confidence of hers, she finds it hard to make friends as she thinks that everyone will judge her. Therefore, she is always alone. Everyday, during break time, she will sit at the bench along business school concourse, looking at how everyone dress up and hope to be like them someday.

One day, a kind hearted girl walked over and approached her.

The next day, Chelzia brings Janel to various retail stores to shop for apparel that suits her.
According to Chelzia, she is going to style Janel in 6 different ways.

So now you must be wondering, how will the makeover turn out to be?

Will Janel be able to accept the changes? Will Chelzia's effort be wasted?

Before the makeover, let's take a last look at the Janel who has a low self esteem and interior complexity


The Retro Style

Tips, Bugis Street Level 3 sell a lot of retro clothing. Good luck in finding :)

Top      : Bugis Street
Bottom : Bugis Street
Sandals : Online

The Smart Casual Style

Tips, a sweater over a white shirt always make a person looks smarter.
Gentler reminder, don’t wear it during a hot day :)

Top      : Bugis Street
Bottom : Cotton On
Shoes   : Rubi

The Hip Hop Style

Tips, accessories such as bracelets and cap are important in the hip hop style :)

Top         : Bugis Street, Cotton On
Bottom    : Cotton On
Shoes      : New Look
Cap         : Taiwan
Bracelets : Scape Underground, Topshop, Fourskin
Bag         : Fourskin

The Cheeky Style

Tips, a simple cartoon character t-shirt can easily pull off the cheeky style :)

Top             : Flea
Bottom        : Cotton On
Socks          : Taiwan
Shoes          : New Look
Accessories : Flea

The Feminine Style

Tips, a long dress always make a woman looks more feminine :)

Dress      : Online
Cardigan : Cotton On
Sandals   : Online
Bag         : Tampines

The Modern Style

Tips, the combination of black and white will never go wrong. If you think that these colors are too boring, you can always grab a denim jacket before you the leave house :)

Top        : Online
Jacket    : Online
Bottom  : H&M
Shoes     : Bugis Street
Shades   : Cotton On
Necklace: Bangkok
Bracelet : HongKong , Fourskin
Bag        : H&M
Belt        : H&M

These are the 6 different kinds of outfits styled by Chelzia. What do you think? Don’t you think that Janel looks more confident now? Now, she can go and make friends confidently!

So what are we trying to say?

We are trying to say that beauty is determine by you. It can only be seen if you choose to exhibit it. And of course, in order to look better, there is a little investment that needs to be made such as the money to be spent on clothes, accessories and make up. So stop doubting yourself and start believing in yourself because if you don’t feel beautiful, you won’t look beautiful. Moral of the story, external beauty has got nothing to do with shapes, it is the confidence that makes you feel good and start to look good.

OH YAYY! If Janel can do it, why can’t you? :)


Besides the model you have seen, there is actually a group of hardworking crew behind the entire well captured pictures. They are…

The Photographer : Queenette

The Hair Stylist : Qian Wei

The Make-Up Artist - Chelzia

The Time Keeper : Ming Jie

The Helper : Lu Sheng
(he was actually holding a mini fan, haha)


During the photo shoot, the model just cannot maintain, kept laughing,
so the photographer had no choice but to capture down these epic moments. HAHA

Oh well after all, it's just for laugh. Don't judge k.


Hope you've enjoyed this blog post, look forward to our next blog post yeah.
We guarantee that we will present to you in a fun and interesting way!